mercredi 20 septembre 2006

Cergy: histoire d'eau 2 *** Water feature 2

Spie est une technopole (label européen) de bureaux inaugurée en 1988 par Michel Rocard alors premier ministre. 1988 est l’année où je suis arrivée sur Cergy.
Il faut surtout retenir le site exceptionnel avec vue sur la Défense, juste à coté des "Douze Colonnes" dont j’ai beaucoup parlé déjà.
Les voitures sont soigneusement séparées des piétons. Les immeubles d’une belle architecture moderne s’enroulent autour d’un lac de 1ha5. La gloire de ce parc est un moulin du XVII ème.
These pictures are showing a great office site near the Twelve Pillars of Cergy. That site is gorgeous and has a beautiful view until Paris. Beautiful park and in the middle a lake (1ha5) and an old windmill.

14 commentaires:

  1. Rendons à César...
    J'ai fait des recherches sur la journée du patrimoine, ils onr pratiqué la méthode soviétique: c'est le ministre de la culture qui est à l'initiative de ces journées...
    Point de Jack. Il était bien à ce ministère, à l'époque ?

  2. Les journées du patrimoine datent de 1984. Il y a de forte chances qu'à cette Jack sévissait à la culture.

  3. Affirmatif.
    J'ai vérifié.

    Et irremplaçable ministre de la culture.

  4. Oui et ça lui va tellemment mieux que président....

  5. Place aux jeunes en quelque sorte.

  6. this is a great example of successful conservation. The old and new...side by side. Sadly back home, they love to destroy old buildings/landmarks/trees..etc in the name of progress. Very soon, they will get rid of old folks....currently those 35 and above who lose their jobs can be off for years because employers deem u are too old and expensive to hire!

  7. Often, they take more care of buildings or animals species than of humans.
    It was the case for instance when there were earthquakes in Iran.

  8. i love the reflection of the tree in the water .. i experience the same phenomenon a while ago ..

  9. The sky was grey, perhaps it was for that reason that the reflection was so beautiful.

  10. I especially liked the first picture with the old round stone building.

  11. Usually, it's forbiden for anybody to come and visit the site.
    Only for heritage days, and even, only on the sunday of heritage days it is possible to enter.
    I never miss coming to see this old windmill.

  12. It looks like a castle. I have seen on some European property shows how old windmills have been converted into houses. I would love to live in a windmill!

  13. But itmust be a great item.
    Pierre my younger son used to fall in water everywher we went: in Pris fontain pound, and even once in the stream near a milll where awhere having a lunch at a friend's flat.
    Pierre was smelling frog !
    He must have a bath.
    We had the obligation to find somebody who may lend him dry child clothes.
