Rien à ajouter…
There is nothing I can add…
"Le Parisien" (Parisian) is the local edition for Paris and surrounding area of the national daily "Aujourd’hui en France" ( Today in France). On the photo, at the left: yesterday, at the right side: today. "Toute la France la veut" = "The whole of France wants it". "Wimbledon: formidable Amélie" = "Wimbledon: fantastic Amelie" and "Merci !" = "Thank you !"...
lundi 10 juillet 2006
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Poor France. But remember that I made money by Italy winning! Yay SN!
RépondreSupprimerI was rather happy France played final and all Frenchs too despite we felt the cup. But don't forget our players are undefeated because the score is 1-1...
RépondreSupprimerHa ha ha. Nice way to think about it. Beware the All Blacks. We will be in France in just one year.... ;o)
RépondreSupprimerGRRRR ! I'm not yet totally alzheimer struck ! 1999: France 2d and NZ 4th despite their dance (noisy and not so graceful than my butterfly's one), French team won semi against All Black. 2003: France 4th and NZ 3rd !!!
RépondreSupprimer*Nous sommes capables du pire comme du meilleur !* (abble to do worst as well as best)