samedi 1 juillet 2006

Le nid plein *** The nest is full

Annabelle a débarqué hier de Düsseldorf pour le week-end avec son compagnon Anthony. Si on compte Etienne et Pierre ainsi que Patrick et moi, la famille est au complet et les chambres toutes pleines. Ce bonheur n'arrive plus souvent. Cela fait du bien.
My daughter Annabelle is at home since yesterday evening with her boy friend Anthony. Usually they live in Germany at Dusseldorf near Koln. Etienne and Pierre are here too. that means we are alltogether during this week end. That happens not so often. That's good !...

12 commentaires:

  1. Moi je mets de l'agneau dans le tagine aux pruneaux....
    Mais ça a l'air bon quand même ;)

  2. Y en a eu assez?Les jeunes ça mangent de nos jours!!!!

  3. Mmmh, je veux bien compléter la table dans les périodes creuses...

  4. The food looks good. What do you call it?

  5. Yeah, it looks good, what is it call? BTW, nice bg.
    I love visiting your blog! : )

  6. chateigne,je n'aime pas la viande et en plus on n'habite pas le sud :-\ , alors c'est plutôt poulet pour moi. C'est DELICIEUX.
    V2C,tu sais bien qu'il faut toujours prévoir large... Mieux vaut trop que trop peu.
    anouschka,tu es bienvenue, mais faut pas croire que ce soit toujours ainsi ! Faudrait demander à Patrick !
    tim and Cỏ Tím,this is a Moroccan speciality. Salted and sweet at the same time. Chicken, onion, almond powder, dry prune. And as accompaniment couscous semolina. Cooked in the oven and the terracota large casserole you may see on the photo... Yummy !!!

  7. And...I've forgotten to answer the question: the name of that is "tagine de poulet aux pruneaux".

  8. I love Tagine! Could you please send me some?

  9. is tagine originally from Morocco? i had seen it before but no idea how it works...having family together once in a while is really a moment to cherish...

  10. San Nakji, When I was living during my husband's military time in Morocco, We were 6 in an house. 5 guys and I. One guy's mother sent to him cheese by post ( he was from a very famous cheese part of France - old green mountains, plenty of dairy cow and ew ); when the parcel arrived !... Imagine lots of maggot ! Gilles (the guy's name) never told his mother the end of the story ! Waste !!!
    black feline, I'm not sure of that. I thing Tunisia has tagine too. That needs to be ook a very long time. Each country has such recipe, in France (Alsace, east part of France) we have baekenofe which must be in the past cooked in the backer's oven !

  11. they live in germany so means that they can watch the world cup games live on the field? ohhh mann .. i belong in Germany too ..

    this looks rdelicious .. did ur daughter make this herself?

  12. Nabeel,
    did it myself ! But the truth is that it was for another diner just before !
    You know, all family like stuffed tomatoe too... But I found it was opportune to show this beautiful Maroccan tagine.


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