Hier en début d'après-midi, mon amie Lichun est venue prendre le café. Toute guillerette, elle a voulu que nous goûtions cette spécialité ramenée par son mari rentré de Chine la veille. Ce sont des "oeufs de fer", qui sont macérés dans des aromates et de la sauce de soja. Rien à voir avec des oeufs fossilisés, un régal aussi paraît-il. Nous sont revenu à l'esprit des images de foetus de poussin baignant dans des bocaux. Je dois avouer que nous avons décliné sa proposition. Lichun a croqué dans son oeuf, mais j'ai réussi à prendre une photo.
A notre décharge, j'invoque le fait que nous n'avions plus très faim après un copieux déjeuner !
Yesterday after lunch, my friend Lichun came at home to have a cup of coffee.
She’ld been happy we tasted a speciality that her husband brought back to her from China. She calls that “iron-eggs”. Eggs steeped in soya saucer and spices… We’ve had just our lunch, we were full stuffed. That’s the only reason why we declined…
samedi 8 juillet 2006
Les oeufs de fer *** Iron eggs
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The eggs don't look very appetizing to me. I would have declined.
RépondreSupprimerEven just before diner when ravenous ??? Hihi !
Ha ha.... The ONLY reason you say ;o)
RépondreSupprimerLOL....thank God...she didn't offer you the other type...century egg! The origin of the method for creating century eggs likely came about through placing eggs in mud made from alkaline clay and water in order to preserve eggs in times of plenty. The clay hardens around the egg and likely resulted in the curing and creation of century eggs instead of spoiled eggs.
It's an acquired taste like durian!
san nakji , would you have accepted ? Lichun forgot the remaining egg in my refrigerator. And when she came the day after to take it (she likes that for breakfast) it was before lunch and all the same, I was not enthousiast !
RépondreSupprimerblack feline , my son Pierre (he has a Vietnamese girl friend) calls exactly century egg *oeuf de 100 ans. I like how you learn me all about what I dont know very well. Lichun says that there is "oeuf fossile" too.