Quel est votre pire cauchemar ?
Le mien je crois serait de plonger dans une mare de larves et d'asticots de toute sorte.
Sous le pont du Hameau de la Reine, ce joli petit pont, grouillait un petit peuple à écailles et grosses bouches. C'est drôle comme les masses se déplacent, la tête tournée dans la même direction. Il suffit d'observer les nuées d'oiseaux ou les alevins dans les lacs de retenue de barrage. Tous les individus font corps et changent de direcion en même temps. En y réfléchissant, lorsque l'on songe à la façon dont deux personnes font des chassés croisés sur un trottoir pour finalement se heurter, on admire cette logique primaire mais efficace.
Il m'aurait fallu faire une vidéo, San Nakji, un de mes chouchous s'y est mis avec bonheur. Anouschka fait cela très bien aussi, Nabeel aussi...
Mais je n'y ai pas songé. Maintenant c'est mon prochain défi...
What’s your worse nightmare ? Mine : being plunge in a jumble of worm, caterpillar or grub… Under the Queen’s bridge the pound is swarming with big mouths of glittering creatures. I’m ever amazed by how clouds of birds or fishes move.as one. Perhaps the reason of that is so they avoid collision such pedestrians walking past each other. I would like to be abble to do a video. Anouschka does that, Nabeel does that and now San Nakji does that. It would have been great to film such a scene ! Maybe soon...
mercredi 21 juin 2006
Les carpes du Hameau de la Reine *** The carps
Libellés : hameau de la reine, poisson, réflexion, versailles
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I would love to see a video from you, that would be great!
RépondreSupprimerMy worst nightmare would be to.... ummmm.... be thrown into a graveyard at midnight!
Wow! That's a lot of fish.
RépondreSupprimerFor you two San Nakji and Tim, my two first English readers:
RépondreSupprimerPOSTER of my first videoturned the day before yesterday.
Actors : 1)Etienne my older son.
2)Jack the Ripper, my neighbours’ cat
Camera and director : Cergie
Setting : my street in front of my house.
My neighbours’ house which is a shame.
On the one hand an hedge, on the other my car : red kangoo (in French kangourou-ge)
Eti: ‘yes, you’re purring.....
voice-over : ‘tcheep ! tcheep !
C. :’let it roll
’tcheep tcheep
C : ‘good
Et: ‘ah ah !
’tcheep ! tcheep !
C : ‘good, I stop now, OK ? ?
’tcheep …
Et : ‘how cute !.. it’s purring…
C : ‘the… the *killer cat (In English in the text)
’tcheep, tcheep
C : ‘you know what ? … We’ll try to put it on my site… Good, I stop now…
C : ‘I don’t know how to stop…
The end.
SN, it maybe worse to be thrown alive in a grave...
RépondreSupprimertim, these fishes are good to eat but a bit fatty.
Humm de la friture,ça nous changera des merles et des campagnols!!!
RépondreSupprimerhmmm .. what a true thing u mentioned. The flocks of birds moving along, flying smoothly without any collision. And so do the herds of various animals (buffalos, zebras and what not) .. and yet we pedesterians bump into each other from time to time.. perhaps its a good thing? perhaps bumping into each other makes us humans.
RépondreSupprimerI am not quite sure what you want me to shoot a video of. I would love to shoot it .. did you mean people walking on sidewalks going .. i dunno to work or somewhere?
You video is amazing! ;o)
RépondreSupprimerJe conviens. C'est également mon plus mauvais cauchemar. Je pense qu'ils vous mangeront vivant.
RépondreSupprimerchateigne, il te faudra une sacrée friteuse vu la taille des carpes !
RépondreSupprimernabeel, when doing my coffee this morning I was thinking:" *Ciel ! I wrote *comme Einstein did *la mauvaise spelling: "do" *au lieu de "does" and it's not the same meaning... Then I read your message !
Once I was in Scotland and we were all tired in the car. After stopping near the Loch Ness we did not take care and the driver was driving at the bad side of the road. So we met a Scottish car and had an accident. I think in that case it would be useful to indicate and keep course !
san nakji, thanks, however you did not hear Cergie's sensual voice and her *delicieux French accent when she said: " le... le killer cat".
doctor elmer, je n'ai pour ma part pas peur qu'ils me dévorent, mais cela me dégoûte. C'est une vraie phobie.
I was imagining that ;o)